

  • Arabic or Hebrew 1-2-3 or approved language (e.g. Greek 1-2-3)

MES Major Requirements

  • Two language courses at the intermediate level: Arabic 22-23 or Hebrew 21-22 or approved language at equivalent level (e.g. Greek 20).
  • Introduction to Middle Eastern Studies Seminar (MES 1)
  • Two Core Courses (from MES 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, or 9). Examples include:
    • MES 2.01: The Making of the Modern Middle East
    • MES 4.01: Energy and Society in the Middle East
    • MES 5.01: Identity and Representation in the Middle East
    • MES 8.01: Introduction to Middle Eastern Politics
  • Four Electives from MES owned or cross-listed courses. Students may construct their disciplinary focus through these courses.
  • One Culminating Experience (a course at the MES 80-level); substitutes may be approved by the Chair.
  • Total = Ten Courses

All majors must have at least one course in: humanities, history or politics, pre-modern period, and modern period


MES allows students to modify the major with offerings from other departments or programs. Students will design this major in consultation with a department/program adviser and provide a written rationale explaining the intellectual coherence of their modification. Students will be required to take a combination of courses including 6 courses in MES.

For questions, please contact the chair, Professor Tarek El-Ariss or the administrator, Jennifer M. Thomas

Honors Major

Standard major requirements with a minimum GPA of 3.25 and the following additional requirements:

  • Two advanced language courses beyond Arabic 23 or Hebrew 23.
  • Senior thesis:
    • MES 88, Senior Honors Thesis part 1, and MES 89, Senior Honors Thesis part 2. These two courses (taken in winter and spring) will be coordinated with a faculty advisor.  The Honors proposal is due by the 5th week of the preceeding fall term.



Learning Outcomes

  1. Comprehensive Regional Insight
    Students will demonstrate a deep understanding of Middle Eastern societies, histories, and cultures, bridging theoretical concepts with practical contexts.
  2. Advanced Language Proficiency
    Students will communicate effectively in Arabic and/or Hebrew at appropriate proficiency levels, displaying confidence in reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
  3. Effective Communication
    Students will articulate ideas clearly and persuasively in written essays and oral presentations, showing respect for diverse viewpoints through effective dialogue.
  4. Sophisticated Research Ability
    Students will apply interdisciplinary methods to gather, analyze, and interpret data or texts, constructing coherent arguments that incorporate multiple scholarly approaches and perspectives.
  5. Global Preparedness and Cultural Awareness Students will develop the capacity to navigate diverse cultural environments, demonstrating adaptability, ethical and political sensitivity, and a thorough understanding of how the Middle East intersects with global politics and culture. They will apply their interdisciplinary knowledge to address real-world challenges, collaborate effectively with diverse teams, engage in open dialogue, and pursue meaningful civic or professional endeavors in any career path

Learning Objectives

  1. Interdisciplinary Knowledge
    Equip students with a rigorous foundation in the history, politics, religion, economics, culture, and literature of the Middle East and North Africa, fostering a nuanced understanding of the region's complexity.
  2. Critical Thinking and Dialogue
    Cultivate intellectual curiosity, open exchange of ideas, and respect for multiple perspectives. Encourage students to challenge assumptions, engage in thoughtful debate, and practice evidence-based reasoning and dialogue.
  3. Language Proficiency
    Develop strong competencies in Arabic and Hebrew, emphasizing both oral and written communication to enable students to engage with original sources and deepen cultural insights.
  4. Analytical and Research Skills
    Train students to design and conduct interdisciplinary research projects, synthesizing original sources with diverse viewpoints and employing multiple scholarly methods.
  5. Global Citizenship and Engagement
    • Inspire students to become informed global citizens who value cultural diversity and integrate their knowledge into real-world contexts.
    • Strongly encourage participation in our LSA+ in Morocco or our exchange program with the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, where students can immerse themselves in local cultures and further enhance their language skills.
    • Host a wide range of speakers, including practitioners from the region, throughout the academic year, promoting hands-on engagement and ongoing dialogue with diverse perspectives.

Assessment Criteria

  • Coursework and Examinations
    Evaluate students' grasp of core concepts, critical thinking skills, and clarity of communication across various disciplines, fields, and topics related to Middle Eastern Studies
  • Language Proficiency (Arabic and Hebrew)
    Assess reading comprehension, vocabulary usage, grammatical accuracy, and oral fluency through written tests, oral interviews, and other performance-based evaluations.
  • Research Projects and Papers
    Measure the ability to synthesize sources, construct well-founded arguments, and engage with scholarly debates using interdisciplinary approaches.
  • Honors Senior Thesis
    For students pursuing the honors track, a substantial research project demonstrating original inquiry and advanced scholarly analysis marks the culmination of the program.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Students are expected to update Dartworks' plan to reflect courses completed, current enrolled courses and courses you are planning to take to meet the MES Major requirements.